What?? The government can’t buy me a new car after all?!


When will our government decide that maybe it can’t bail us out of everything?! I really try to avoid political rants. I hate discussing it, even though I keep up. But Stu’s parents told us about the Cash for Clunkers business last night and I was humored. But I was ready to take them up on their offer. We don’t technically have a clunker, but many dealerships are offering great deals just to get people in anyways. How little foresight must our President have to not realize that his butt can’t cash the checks he’s writing?!

I appreciate the offer (to pay for my house, car, medical insurance, ect. with my own tax money-and to then control it) and the fact that you really seem to want to help. But, Dude, I think you have some problems of your own to deal with. Put the shovel away. You might drown in that hole you’re digging.

*Brag Alert*

Although the posts on my blog tend to be as eclectic as the thoughts running through my mind, I really need to get a stereotypical mommy blog off my chest. This kid of mine is cracking me up.  I tend to feel that every age we come upon is my favorite (once we were past infancy, I kind of hated that part), but I feel the most strongly about this.  I am truly having so much fun with B right now.  He’s definitely aspiring toward The Terrible Two’s, but he still just been a blast to hang out with.  So, here are some of the things my boy is doing these days:


1. Starting to really talk.  He now tries to say everything.  He’s been a little late in this area, but I can see that he will catch up soon.  The reason I know he’s capable of more than he lets on is that his Aunt Alix taught him to say “YeeHaw!”.  If he can say that, I’m pretty sure he could (if he wanted to) say many of the other things I’ve been begging him to say.  He simply can not take a bite of any food unless you have told him what it is, he tries to say it, and you repeat it back to him.  If you do not repeat it back again, he will simply say it and say it and say it until you cooperate.

2.  Speaking of that, he really likes chicken.  Since he knows what a chicken says, he usually says “bok, bok, bok, bok” the whole time he is eating it.  And no, Christopher, he has still not consumed it in nugget form.

3.  His 2 favorite vegetables are bell peppers and cucumbers.  He will eat them raw.  But don’t you dare even consider putting a tiny bit of broccoli on his plate.  You can smother it with cheese, ranch, whatever, and he is totally on to you and will scream about it for the rest of dinnertime.  Broccoli seems to actually make him angry.

4.  He wants to eat everything with a fork.  Even things that are not meant to be stabbed, like pretzels and Kix.  He wouldn’t eat his goldfish at snacktime in Sunday School until they found him one.  His teachers think he has impeccable manners.

5.  He really, really likes going to the store, or anywhere in public where he can get strangers to say “Hi” and “Bye” to him.   He waves throughout the entire shopping trip as if he’s on a parade float.

i6.  One of his favorite games right now is Hide and Seek.  But, the dramatic version-where you jump out and scare him when he finds you.  The more surprised he is, the better.  I’m afraid Stu is going to give him a little toddler heart-attack.

7.  The child has a high pain tolerance.  It really takes a lot to hurt him.  He’s got a lot of size to manage, so falls, bumps on the head, running into walls, corners of tables are all very common occurrences.  He will howl, though, if something makes him mad.  He bumped his head last week, and Aunt Alix offered to kiss it.  He promptly turned, kissed her on the cheek, and got up to play.

8.  He loves the water.  He showers with his Daddy a lot and will stand directly under the stream of water.  He’ll choke and sputter, then go back for more.  I love it.

9.  Bedtime has gotten downright hilarious.  I used to get his lovie, paci, milk, and some books, and gather him up in our big rocking chair.  I would read to him while he drank his milk, then rock him with a song.  He now wants to read to me.  Sometime he even babbles with the correct inflection for the page.  Then he’ll lay on me for about 30 seconds to rock.  At that point he looks up at me and tells me “B (pointing to himself) ah bed (pointing to the bed)”.  I asked, “Is it time for B to go to bed?”  He makes that thrilled face that tells you you broke the code.  I’m kind of sad that he doesn’t need that rocking time anymore, but I love that he is so comfortable in his bed that he looks forward to getting in!  So I put him in his bed, give him Sock Monkey, and his all time favorite: Max (the little guy in the wolf suit from “Where the Wild Things Are”).  He says Ma? (Max)  I repeat, “Yes, that’s Max”.  And inevitably, as I walk out the door, I hear  “Eeee Heee”  (This is always “Thank You” in his language).  Does it get any better?

10.  The dancing.  Oh, the dancing.  He asks his daddy to play music every night when he gets home.  He then proceeds to dance his heart out.

It’s just amazing.  He’s becoming this little person with this spirited personality who plays, communicates, and shows affection.  I’m having fun.  Oh yes.

On this day in history…

wedding portrait

Stu and I celebrated our 6th anniversary on Friday.  Our actual “wedding” anniversary is today.  The day we were legally married in a courthouse in Ellicott City was the 16th.  It’s very confusing.  And that part really wasn’t public information until the last few years.  Basically, we weren’t going to be in Texas long enough before the wedding to obtain a license and have it signed (you have to wait 3 days in TX-or 2? whatever) and I didn’t want to have to wait until we were back from our honeymoon for things to be legal.  So, these 2 Texans took our lunch break the Wednesday before our wedding and got hitched in front of a judge right here in Maryland.  Stu went through most of the courthouse ceremony feeling the need to inform everyone that this was not, in fact, a shotgun wedding.  The witnesses to this top secret matrimony are friends of our whom we have sadly lost touch with and they took the only pictures in existence of this occasion.  We didn’t tell everyone at the wedding festivities a few days later that we were already hitched, because we didn’t want to spoil the fun, but man, did it ever take the pressure off!  Ha.

Our wedding and reception took place on The Spirit of Texas, a paddlewheeler that took us on a 3 hour tour of Kemah, TX (right near the Gulf of Mexico).  What fond memories we have of that party and the people who celebrated with us!

The vows:

the vows

The people:

the people

The dress:

just wedding dress

The dancing:


The newlyweds (in “party” attire-no way I was dancing the night away in that big dress):

night wedding portrait

And… the end:

leaving boat

Stu, I cherish you more than I did that day.  As we’ve said so many times (sometimes in humor, sometimes not, ha): We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.  Look at us, we were so clueless.  I had no idea the good times would be so good, I had no idea that my love for you would change from that butterfly romantic love to this deep love that runs through my veins like a part of me.  And we have been through some hard times that we didn’t know would be so hard.  I’m overwhelmingly grateful that God persistantly brought us together and I know that it is because of our love for Him that we have been able to love each other so deeply.  What an unspeakable joy to be able to share life with you!! Sometimes I joke that it’s like getting to have a slumber party with my best friend all the time, but it still feels like that.  And now that we have brought a son into this, well, words can’t describe how blessed I feel.  I look forward to filling up this house with children.  I look forward to seeing how God wants to use us to help others.  I look forward to 6 more years.  And 6 after that, and 6 after that.  You get it.

Swimming through my head…

…are these thoughts.

My baby (I know he’s not really a baby, but please be kind enough not to discuss this with me) has been a source of endless entertainment this past week.  I find myself belly laughing at him constantly.  He also has 3 giant splinters in his foot that seem to have come from our deck.  I discovered them this morning.  And even though they are red and puffy, he is completely unfazed by them.  I know I have to remove them.  But does anyone remember this blog? I don’t like this sort of thing, it makes me all queasy and light-headed.  But, being the responsible mother I am, I will hike up my britches and get those splinters out.

I went to another WW meeting.  They told me I lost 5 pounds and then gave me a sticker!  They do alot of stickers there, which completely perplexes me.  What I did find, which the not so nice lady who registered me did not tell me, is that once you join, you pay for every week-even if you don’t go.  I’m going to give that a big fat What The Fruitnut.  I don’t think they’ll be seeing me at the meetings anymore, because I already have a scale and I’m pretty sure Target sells stickers.

Today is our mock anniversary.  Technically, we got married in a courthouse in Ellicott City on the 16th.  Our wedding, however, was on the 19th in Texas.  We celebrate it on the most convenient date.  In my defense, this is why I can never remember when our anniversary is.  You can expect a super mushy blog about all of this on Sunday, complete with wedding pictures.  Get excited.  Tonight, however, Blake will be with some of his favorite people while Stu and I commemorate the date with sushi and Harry Potter!

I have more on my mind, but the time has come for splinter removal.  boo.

A few things I heart

Since this Weight Watchers business is all out in the open *sigh*, I figured I would show you what’s been for dinner.  Let me tell ya, it’s not half bad.  I’m already seeing the scale move in the right direction, which is encouraging.

I get 24 points a day.  I relinquish this information only because it helps to put some of these point values in perspective.  I’ve had more than a few “aha!” moments regarding my past diet, once I started calculating my favorite foods/drinks and their points.   First problem of the day: my decadent cup of coffee every morning.  I must confess that I suspected it to be problematic, but have been living in denial for quite some time.  I’ll save you the gritty details and just say that once I add my half and half and sugar to that jumbo mug, it adds up to a whopping 5 points.  Now, as long as that counts as a meal, that’s not so bad.  But it really never lasts me all the way until lunchtime, and the iced version that I had in the afternoon is probably a bit overboard.  Many of my favorite “healthy” snacks also add up in calories and fat to the equivalent of a meal, so needless to say I’m making some adjustments.  So, in search for better options, I bring you some of my new favorite things:

1. Trader Joe’s.  I spent about an hour one evening with my ridonk points calculator finding some quick and easy meals from the freezer section.  My favorite is the Bean and Corn enchiladas, 5pts.  Another was the low-fat  Chicken Chow Mein, 4pts.

2. Mahi Mahi.  I first discovered my new favorite fish while looking for ingredients for fish tacos.  Here’s the recipe I used for them. BUT note, I made 2 important adjustments.  One saved calories and thIMG_1374e other saved time (win, win!).  First, corn tortillas instead of flour.  Huge points difference.  Second, instead of making the dressing, I mixed a container of light sour cream with a jar of garlic chipotle salsa from Trader Joes.  That salsa had almost the exact same ingredients that were in the recipe.  That whole meal was about 9 points with black beans and rice pilaf, but 2 tacos alone was 5pts.  But, back to the fish.  Last night I simply grilled it with some cajun seasoning.  It’s about 2-3 points for a Mahi steak.  They came in this big bag of 9 steaks for ~$15.  Individually wrapped.

The plate on the left was Stu’s.  My serving size for beans and rice was about 1/2 this size.  The plate on the right was mine.  That was 6 points with the fish, sweet potatoes, and green beans.

fish tacosIMG_1375

Sorry if you don’t enjoy pictures of food as much as I do. 🙂

3. Skinny Cow ice-cream sandwiches.  Seriously, where have these been all my life?  Kelli touts them as actual nutrition (wink), and while I won’t go that far, it is a pretty awesome ice-cream sandwich for 2 points!

4. Vegetables.  That’s right people, I have not abandoned the idea that these are really good for you.  My favorite thing to do with a bunch of vegetables (onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, brocolli-the combo I favor) is cut them into bite-size chunks, and roast them in the oven on a cookie sheet with Olive Oil, salt and pepper.  If you cover the pan with foil then your only dishes are the cutting board and knife.  Careful to not overcook them.  From there we do all kinds of things with them.  Put them on a ww pita pizza, eat them in a warm pita with feta cheese and parsley, put it on pasta, salad, in an omelet.  Blake regularly finds these leftover vegetables diced up tiny in his quesadillas and grilled cheeses.  Most vegetables are no points, and the olive oil might add 1-2 points.


This last one is the roasted veggies on whole wheat pasta that was seasoned with a tiny bit of olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, oregano, feta, and garlic.  I also created my own recipe for greek-meatballs because most of them seemed too hard.  One of them asked me to mince an entire onion.  HA!  So, with a package of ground turkey I mixed a packet of Onion Soup Mix, a tad of olive oil and vinegar, 1/4 cup of feta cheese, and a sprinkle of diced mint leaves.  Roll them into balls and drop on a greased cookie sheet for about 30-40 minutes on 350.  Can you tell I’m a fan of winging it?  My problems with baking are becoming more and more apparent.  This was 11 points.


The plan also builds in an extra 35 points to be used anytime that week.  My brain hurts less knowing that if I really need to indulge, I can.  And since my anniversary is this weekend, I will.  Yes, I will.

HUSH, Baby Sleeping

This is the nicest way I can even imagine to say it.  This is the pillow that hangs on my front door while Blake naps each day.

It is my goal in life to be a kind, compassionate, loving person.  Nothing challenges me more in these areas that someone needlessly waking up my child.  Stuart calls it my Mama Bear Face.  He’s right.  Fierce emotions run through me in any scenario where I feel that someone might want to harm my child, make fun of him, or WAKE HIM UP.   So today, when a nice young man selling magazine subscriptions rings my doorbell, not once, but twice, while apparently ignoring my kind request, I wanted to simply knock his head off.  And while he’s going on (and on, and on) with his story about how he’s trying to move up in the company and provide more job opportunities to other at risk men and I can help him by buying 3 magazine subscriptions, I’m thinking several things.

1.  My baby is upstairs talking in his crib because he thinks someone just came to see him, so sure, LET ME HELP YOU.

2.  Gosh, I hardly get any useless mail these days.  It would be fun to pile my mailbox up with more.  (which brings to mind a recycling rant that I will save for another day)

3.  Dude, if you really want some help from me, here’s some great advice: This company is scamming you and using you for cheap grunt work in order to sell stuff.  You are probably going to find that this is not your road to success.  Let me name some reputable places in the neighborhood I know are hiring, and will not require you to barge in, uninvited and usually unwanted, on people’s homes day in and day out.

I seriously don’t know anyone who doesn’t know where to find a magazine if they need/want one.  This is NOT a good business venture.

I’m going to stop here.

The Cereal Isle

I have a love/hate relationship with the cereal isle.  Upon my initial turn into isle, I feel a rush of exhilaration.   So many choices, so much sweet goodness, packed with nutrition (even if it is done quite unnaturally).  But soon the rush turns into complete confusion.  I buy different cereals for different reasons.

I have my luxury cereals that I eat when I want something sweet but am trying not to inhale a plate of brownies (Lucky Charms and Peanut Butter Captain Crunch being the favorites-but even in the luxury category I get very overwhelmed with choices).

Then there’s the “healthy” but still a little luxurious cereals.  These cereals contain as much sugar as my luxury cereals, but have no cartoon characters on the front, so I feel that they must be healthier (Honey Bunches of Oats, Basic 4, Banana Nut Crunch).  The “healthy” luxury cereals are tricky, because some of them have so many calories and fat that I might as well just eat the brownies.  But they have fiber, which is good, right?

Then there are the “fit to feed my child” cereals.  These are the low sugar cereals like Kix, Cheerios, Chex.

And the last cereal glitch is the price of cereal.  I refuse, refuse, refuse to buy cereal that is not on sale.  I’m pretty frugal in general, but for some reason full price cereal gets me more riled up than most items.  So even if I have found a cereal that might be acceptable, if it’s not on sale we have to go back to the drawing board again.

So I wander.  I must walk up and down the cereal isle 5-6 times.  The people working at the grocery store know to just work around me.  And here’s the funny part.  About 50%  of the time, I just leave.   Yesterday I found it so overwhelming I couldn’t take it anymore.  I left the grocery store disgusted with my poor decision-making skills.  Today, I found some at Trader Joe’s that I’m hoping will be a winner.  The cereal isle at Trader Joe’s is smaller.  That’s a good thing I think.

I have more to tell you about my grocery store visit, but it’s almost my bedtime.  You’ll have to cross your fingers that I’ll remember to follow up.