This week on American Idol…

I. Love. This. Man.  Seriously, how could you not?!

I’m organizing our home movies and find this little jewel  from December 2007.  I suppose we were hard-up for entertainment, since we had a 2 month old at the time.  It makes me laugh so hard my stomach hurts and love him so much my chest could burst.

One of my secrets…

Listen guys, I can’t keep this to myself any longer.

There’s really not a nice way to tell someone they need this, but I hope that the fact that I’m confessing that I use it helps you understand that I can relate.  I confess this out of love, and in everyone’s best interest.  Because of this product, none of us mommies should be running around with greasy hair.  Trust  me, I have been there.  I have, in a rush, looked in the mirror and known that the right thing to do is shower immediately.  Then I would calculate how long showering and blowdrying would take.  Sometimes I would add in the time it would take to clean up whatever Blake destroyed while he knew I was too occupied to watch him.  So I would try to get my hair into a “cute” ponytail and hope that nobody could tell I didn’t wash it today.  Or worse, in order to fulfill the stay-at-home-mom cliche, grab a baseball cap to go with my awesome yoga pants.  I really do understand.  I’m not judging you.  Our demanding jobs require sacrifices; sometimes it’s a shower.

And here’s the thing about the ponytail.  We can tell.  Although we are still not judging, we can look at a woman and know that she had a rough morning, even if the ponytail is cute.

Don’t misunderstand, you can read here that I am a shower advocate.  But when you can’t, you really shouldn’t hang a greasy sign on your head announcing that you missed one.

So, please, go out and buy yourself some of this:

It’s dry shampoo.  You apply the powder all over your roots and run it through your hair with fingers or a brush.  The powder absorbs the oil in your hair and voila!  Good as new.  Well, not quite as good as new, but good in a pinch.  It’s about $19, but has lasted me 8 months so far.

Now, if you ever notice that I smell extra citrus-y, you’ve caught me. 🙂

The Backyardigans

Tio and Meat Truck showed up on Mother’s Day weekend to help Stu refurbish our patio.  It was falling apart.  And now, thanks to their TLC, it looks fantastic.  Stu made a little movie about it.